1 July, 2014 — We are very proud today. It is our birthday, in the literal sense of the word. After months and months of research on the e-book market, on Amazon Kindle, and on authors’ needs and wants,
K-lytics.com has gone live for the public.
Ebook publishing success…
…should be for everybody. The Amazon Kindle Store is the gold mine of the day, publishing kindle e-books the new gold rush. But like in any gold rush, the Kindle store is getting very crowded and competitive. You must know where you are going, you must know “where to dig” – and you must be faster at it than your competitors.
To achieve this, you need more information and better tools than your competitors. You need a precise map, a compass, a precision tool that helps you decide “where to dig.” Gut feel is good, but not enough. How to make money with Kindle for real? — This is where K-lytics comes into play.
Our purpose…
…is to make people successful. Specifically, book authors, writers of any kind, editors, literary agents, publishers and “lifestyle entrepreneurs” who seek to be successful in the book market.
Our focus…
…is on the self-publishing market. Amazon Kindle has changed the rules of the game of direct publishing. We take it as a point of reference of what the market is doing and where it is going.
I wish you all the very best and look forward to being at your service.
Alex Newton
Your success is my passion.
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