Welcome Writers of the World!

More Success With Short Reads and Short Stories

A quarter of all eBooks are short reads and short stories. Find out which genres and niche categories offer the best opportunities

Look no further. Try K-lytics – Research Done For You

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A Major Market Segment

"Short Reads" represent Amazon's categorization of available Kindle eBooks by page length and estimated reading time.

These shorter books have grown into a market of its own and span virtually all book genres.

If you want to stand out from the crowd and be successful as an author or publisher of Short Reads and Short Stories, you have to know the market and its many sub-markets and profitable niches.

There is only one problem. There is hardly any information available on this part of the book market. Well, until today!

We analyzed thousands of short reads and short story book titles to provide you with complete transparency of this market segment.

With this seminar, you will know more about the short story market than probably 98% of all authors and publishers. Get ahead of the game and take a look below.


3 Research Report Volumes

All reports are provided in Pdf-format

9 High Quality Tutorial Videos

From the content:

  • What are the two major market opportunities to explore?
  • How does the demand for normal e-books compare to that for Short Reads?
  • How does this differ by genre?
  • What is the relation between page length and customer satisfaction?
  • What are the effective earnings per page for "shorts" vs. normal e-books in each genre?
  • What is the level of sales of the 6 x 24 Amazon Short Read categories?
  • Why can Amazon's Short Read categorization convey a misleading picture?
  • What 3-step approach unlocks the opportunities hidden in Amazon's data?
  • Why can no software or "spy tool" give you this information?
  • What are the 40 Kindle sub- and sub-sub-categories with the highest short read earnings?
  • Who are the authors earning the most money with short reads?
  • What searches do buyers use on Amazon when looking for shorter books?
  • Find the titles, ranks, copies sold, royalties, review counts, review result, categories, etc. for our "Virtual Top 100 Short Reads Besteller List"
  • What advantage do short stories offer you over "short reads"?
  • What are the winners and losers in the segment that you should know?
  • What are the short story markets you should stay away from?
  • What short story markets are the easiest to rank in?


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