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A collection of all the videos including those from the reports pages. Here you have them all in one place.

Featured Videos

Interactive Data Tool - Quick Start
(for PREMIUM + ELITE users)


This all-in-one tutorial is a demo of the "Interactive Data Tool". It is applicable to both PREMIUM AND ELITE USERS. (Both tools work in the same way.) We use ELITE for this demo.

  • How to maneuver in the interactive data table
  • Find a promising niche if you do not have one
  • Find the best sub-markets in your current genre
  • Optimize categorization for an existing book

K-lytics BASIC - Trend videos


K-lytics BASIC Kindle Market Trends December 2017

And here our latest overview for the month of December. (7 minutes)


K-lytics BASIC Kindle Market Trends September 2017

Video on 30 main Amazon Kindle book genres. We pick some of the highlights of this month. We now have data for more than 30 months - and the database is growing. We may be the only group - other than Amazon itself - having such a repository of Kindle book data. Real trends and seasonality finally become visible. And also we explore changes to the Amazon search result display. (10 minutes)


K-lytics BASIC Kindle Market Trends August 2017

Video on 30 main Amazon Kindle book genres. We pick some of the highlights of this month. We cover the longer-term trends of a whole number of selected Fiction and Nonfiction genres. Today, we also look at Amazon's announcement of the Kindle Unlimited 3.0 update to the royalty scheme (12 minutes)

K-lytics PREMIUM - Trend Videos


Kindle Daily Deals Analysis

What if you get an invite by Amazon to participate in their Kindle Daily or Monthly Deals? Is it worth it to participate? - We conducted this special analysis to answer the question. (10 minutes)


K-lytics PREMIUM Strategy Map October 2017

We take a look at the updated book strategy map, identifying the most promising book sub-categories that offer the highest sales with the lowest degree of competition. Which categories made it into the "green zone" this month? Which ones dropped out. And, as always, get your summary tables of "Hot Cells", "Hot Niches" and "Hot Mainstream" sub-categories. (9 minutes)


K-lytics PREMIUM

Trend Video


Case Study Seasonal Titles: Halloween means big business to many industries. What about e-book publishing, then? There are many Halloween-related book titles available on Amazon Kindle. But do the sell? (10 minutes)

K-lytics PREMIUM + ELITE - Q&A Vidoes


How to find Kindle categories for my non-fiction project?

Watch how the K-lytics database helps uncover hidden categories for your book project in a 3-step approach. This is a nonfiction case study that will also be very useful for fiction authors.


How to find the best romance niches (or in any other genre) every month?

The K-lytics PREMIUM and ELITE interactive tool allows you sort and filter all the book category data in many ways. This video will help you understand how to "zero in" rapidly on the hot sub-markets in a given overall genre.


How to interpret the "sales-to-competition-ratio" in the K-lytics Kindle market data?

K-lytics introduced the so-called "sales-to-competition ratio" as an effective and simple measure to gauge the relative attractiveness of a book market niche. This video explains what the measure is, how it works, and how you can use it for your book projects.


How to find "Hot Cells" and "Hot Niches" in the K-lytics online data?

A fundamental element of the K-lytics PREMIUM and ELITE interactive database is to filter for the "hot markets" with only a few clicks. This video shows you how to do it.


How to edit K-lytis PREMIUM + ELITE project data offline and print results?

The interactive data tool can be downloaded to your computer or viewed in Excel Online. This makes editing and manoeuvring through the data easier for some people. Also it allows you to print the results of your work. Here is how you do it.


How to optimize the categories of a Kindle book?

The K-lytics data can be used to select the best categories for you on the Amazon Kindle store. In cases where a book could potentially fit into a whole number of genres, this can be a delicate task. The K-lytics data helps you to solve this problem. This case study for more advanced users shows you how to do it.

K-lytics PREMIUM - Special Reports & Custom Research

K-lytics PREMIUM

Amazon Link Anatomy


Are you sure you are using the right link to promote your Amazon books? If not, you should watch this video. Here we reveal the issue of using "Super URLs" resulting from searching for your own book.
(10 minutes)

K-lytics PREMIUM

Special Investigation

Keyword Hijacking on Amazon Kindle

Much has been said about the alleged importance of keywords in Amazon book titles. Yes, keywords are important but we believe they are vastly overestimated. Is it possible to boost sales by using high traffic keywords in your book titles (no matter whether these have anything to do with your book.) This is called keyword hijacking. We investigated. The result is shocking. (12 minutes)

K-lytics PREMIUM

FB Ad Targeting Seminar


This is a training series of three videos covering the new Facebook ad targeting features that have recently been rolled out to the general public. These features offer new opportunities for authors and publishers. Find out what could make Facebook ads so much for viable for book advertising.
(12, 9 and 7 minutes)


K-lytics PREMIUM

Romance Special

November 2015

What are the highest-selling Romance heroes and the most popular romance plots? - Find out how to use the new advanced search and filter options on Amazon Kindle to develop a completely new perspective on romance novels and the profitable niches this genre
(9 minutes)