The Superhero Fiction Book Market on Kindle
Edition: January 2020
- Detailed break-down and trend analysis of the Superhero fiction book market on Kindle
- This edition comes with a video-based seminar
From The Content (Report + Seminar Video):
- What is the magnitude of Superhero Fiction book sales on Kindle and its relevant categories?
- What has been the sales trend for Kindle categories for Superhero Fiction over the last 30 months?
- What is the level of competition for books featuring Superhero Fiction in various categories?
- What does our “virtual bestseller list” for Superhero Fiction look like?
- What categories do the bestselling Superhero Fiction e-books use for optimal visibility?
- Which of these categories offer the best ratio of books sold vs. level of competition?
- What does top-selling cover art look like that you should show to your cover designer?
- What sub-segments/tropes earn the highest royalties in the market?
- Who are the top-performing authors in our cross-category Superhero Fiction bestseller list?
- Who are the leading publishers in the Superhero Fiction segment right now?
- What is the typical book page length of top-performing titles that readers expect?
- What are the trending search words (keywords) used by Kindle readers on Amazon for this genre?
- What are the most frequent words in top-selling book titles and book descriptions?
- What are the proven price points that are used in the genre?
- What is the share of Kindle Unlimited books vs. Non-KU titles?
- What is the performance of book series vs. stand-alone titles?
- Additionally, get a database with all key data points for the Top 100 bestselling Superhero Fiction books across categories including all book descriptions for your inspiration and reference.
- Accompanying video by K-lytics founder Alex Newton
- Detailed step-by-step explanation of the research results