Better Publishing Projects Today
Regency, Victorian, Scottish, Medieval... historical romance is a major e-book market. This research is your survival guide for this big and lucrative genre.
Thinking of writing or publishing a romance novel set in a historical period? We bring you the market insights and the data power of the Amazon platform to your projects. Learn what sells and what does not. Don't waste time and money on the wrong projects. Make your life easier and get this vital market information today.
Romance is the uncontested #1 market on Kindle. Within Romance, we find more than 100 sub-markets.
One of the bigger sub-genres is historical romance. It breaks down into high-selling niches such as Regency, Victorian, Historical Western, Scottish and Highlander Romance, Medieval Romance, Ancient Romance and many others.
This genre offers a wealth of opportunities.
Save yourself weeks of research and get our new Historical Romance seminar.
Get the facts!
But Historical Romance is competitive. The market is heavily contested by both traditional and indie publishers. It is vital to know which historical romance tropes are trending and selling more than others.
Whether you want to get a high-level overview of the genre and its trends or detailed data on keywords and best-performing Kindle categories, our research has the answer.
If you want to stand out from the crowd and be successful as an author or publisher, you have to know the market.
Our research report and seminar delivers you exactly that insight.
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