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E-book Prices on Amazon Kindle – By Category

November 2015 Update

e-book prices have been much-debated topic in recent months (see for example this article in the Wall Street Journal) The fact is, though, that e-book prices on Amazon Kindle vary significantly across book categories. The price tracking chart below shows the average price of the top 100 bestsellers in each of the 30 main e-book categories on the Amazon Kindle platform.  (Read more)

K-lytics BASIC - Kindle Main Category Sales - Report Extract

Professional and technical books command the highest prices on Amazon Kindle. An average price of more than $9.00 for the top 100 best sellers is quite remarkable. By comparison, the tail end of the market is the Romance genre, where even the Top 100 bestsellers achieve and average price of only around $3.00.

It is important to know the price level and development in your target genre as a self-published author (in the same way professional publishing houses have to optimize their pricing strategy based on current market trends and conditions.) In our members’ area we look at the data for some 419 sub-category and also more than 2400 book sub-sub-categories.

P.S. Interested in getting the whole K-lytics BASIC report for free? – CLICK HERE or on the image above.

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