The K-lytics interactive table may take a couple of seconds to load. Click on a data cell in the table and use Page Down/Up and cursor Left/Right on your keyboard to navigate. Use the Filter/Sorting buttons in the column headings to obtain the desired view.
You can also download the entire sheet for offline browsing and analysis (use the donwload icon in the bottom right of the table window).
This table gives you access to more than 2400 sub-sub-categories as well as to the more than 400 sub-categories from K-lytics PREMIUM. However, in this demonstration version you will only able to see the full data for a selected number of PREMIUM sub-categories and ELITE sub-sub-categories. You can download, navigate in the tool and follow the training video as if it was a full version.
First time visitors: Click here to watch this tutorial and make best use of K-lytics ELITE (ca. 25 min):